Located in Old Town Chicago, J.C. Lind specializes in transportation and cargo biking. Part of a growing community of biking in Chicago, they sell commuting, cargo, and kid-carrying bikes. You won’t find a mountain bike or lightweight carbon road frame in the shop. Lights, locks, fenders, childseats, yes.
San Francisco transplant Adam Aufdencamp picked up his Mundo at J.C. Lind, as did Andrew from
Ding Ding, Let’s Ride, a blog following the transportation cycling movement in Chicago.
J.C. Lind
1311 N Wells St  Chicago, IL 60610
(312) 643-1670
Just wanted to chime in with our praises of the shop! We bought our Mundo in Dec. from J.C. Lind. Our experience there with Jon was great- and we’ve been loving the Mundo ever since. My boys, out on ride this morning, said, “We love our Mundo mommy!”