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WINNER! 2019 School Drop-Off Video Contest

Yuba Electric Supermarche Bosch OWL serie

Congrats to the the Miller Family! You’ve won our School Drop-Off Video Contest! High Fives from all of us here at Yuba Bicycles!

Click on the picture below to discover the Video ! 

Yuba Electric Supermarche Bosch OWL serie

To enter the contest we asked folks to also send us a little note about their cargo bike lifestyle. This is what the Miller Family had to say:

Dear Yuba Bikes,

President Kennedy once said,” Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.” We value this “simple pleasure” that is part of our daily lives with our boys. Yuba Mundo owners since January 2013 and Car-Free since July 2014, our lives are so much happier, healthier, and simplified because we travel via our cargo bike. Our boys have grown up on the family bike and have a sense of pride as we cruise through carpool traffic to and from school on a daily basis. It has been a popular share item in their classrooms for Show and Tell days. Also the boy’s friends love to come over to our house especially if they get to be picked up and dropped off by the family bike. We rock out to our favorite tunes on our portable speaker and listen to podcasts for longer rides. They have gotten to know our neighborhood and experience the city from the vantage point of our two wheeler which wouldn’t be possible if we were traveling by car. Soon after purchasing the Mundo, we knew we had become a biking family. We needed a large bag of potting soil for gardening from the hardware store. Without hesitation our eldest son suggested, “Let’s take the bike.” And we did.

Learn more about Yuba Bicycles and the Cargo Bike Lifestyle at