Meet our favorite Yuba family of 4 straight outta Tulsa Oklahoma, The Croffs. They keep us laughing with each new Instagram post or professional photoshoot staring their SupermarchĂ© Front Loader and their costumed kiddos. You might remember this NYE post… Yep, that was them.
The Croff family is a serious force in the bicycling community in Tulsa and they are most often found traveling as a whole family on a couple of tandem bikes. Fortunately for us, someone introduced them to the Supermarché and the rest is history!
Their Supermarché boasts a custom made front box big enough for their two growing wigglers and the family daushaund, Domino Derval. The sides even have chalkboard paint so they can mix up the messages to fit the theme.
Their bike is named Jill, seriously. Mom describes it as a bike pick-up truck.
“The bike is great for sleepy kids after a park concert and you get rockstar parking everywhere. With all the grocery delivery services now we still prefer to go to the store with Jill because of all the teaching moments with the kids that they would otherwise mis-out on. Outside is more fun.” – Ben Croff
Tune in next month for the next Yuba Rider Profile!